
Tanka by Rika Inami 22, from Akita International Haiku Network

残りゐし桜のはなびら朝影にかすかにふるへ時を放てり some left petals of cherry vibrating with the morning sunshine … release time from Tanka by Rika Inami 22 Akita international Haiku Network The website was updated on May 17, 2019 Please check it out. ©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳 ------------------ 《与母有寄》 文/田宇 平生多已忘,浅敬一青觞。 独愧秋繁露,谁怜老菀堂? 年年愁问墨,岁岁晚听霜。 子母天心坒,安能不动肠? 【<Sending to Mother> Author/Tian Yu Many people often forget her. But today I have a good toast to my mother. Now I think my mother is as decadent as the autumn tree. Like most people, I did not cherish her youth at that time. Every year when I was away, I thought that my mother would write lonely words. And I'm missing her all the time. The hearts of all children in the world are connected by God. Now facing my mother, how can I not have the desire to cry? ———Tomorrow is a holiday for mothers all over the world. May they be beautiful, healthy and long-lived forever.】 --...

Tanka...Moonlight 月影

動くもの無しとおぼゆる八つ半に水田にうつる月影ゆるる around 3:00 thinking there is nothing  to move the moonlights wave  on the paddy fields ©2019 Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

Tanka...Kobushi 辛夷a2019m

ひきざくら雨ふりそぼつ山の辺に白き光となりて咲きたり magnolia kobushi on the mountainside blooms as white luminosity ...raining thick and fast ©2019Rika Inami

Tanka...Spring Rain 20190425a-m

春雨に濡るる梅花の花びらの 透きとほり色 天(あま)と分かたず wetting with   spring rain crystal petals of plum blossoms don’t separate from the celestial ©2019Rika Inami稲美 里佳 ------------------------ 春雨は梅花を濡らし花弁は薄く桃色天に恥じかみ ©Ryuuji Suwa ----------------------- さくらさくゆびのさきまで透き通る ©田巻 光 ---------------------- 遊秀州有题》 文/田宇 一指城芬三递树,新奇满目不堪书。 池晖半耀瞜光底,殿气深飞望魄初。 翠叶黄楼衔碧雀,青痕白鹭捉盲鱼。 当年画阁今依在,菡萏风云几个虚? 【<Ancient Towns in the South of the Yangtze River> Author/Tian Yu Every tree gives the city a pleasant fragrance. The beauty of this city is beyond words. Water shines in the sunshine. The architecture here feels natural. There are many crowing birds on the green branches. In the middle of the lake I saw the beauty of egrets catching fish. The old buildings still exist. The blooming of lotus makes people feel very real.】

Tanka ...Camellia 藪椿 a2019m

花椿 落花に見ゆる執念か色香然にして一糸乱れず a fallen camellia -- does it show its obsession? ... in perfect fragrance  and color as it is ©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

Akita International Haiku/ Tanka 秋田インターナショナル俳句短歌 April 2019

秋田インターナショナル俳句、川柳、短歌ネットワークがアップデートされ、私の作品が掲載されました。 皆様、 アクセス宜しくお願い申し上げます。ページにアクセスして頂いたあと、タイトルの「稲美里佳の短歌:Tanka by Rika Inami 21」をクリックして頂くとページが開かれます。お手数かけますが宜しくお願い申し上げます。 https://akitahaiku.com/ こちらには白鳥の歌5首を掲載致しました。 My 10 Tankas are published at Akita International Haiku, Senryu and Tanka Network https://akitahaiku.com/ . Please check out the website and click the title <稲美里佳の短歌:Tanka by Rika Inami 21>, and then you will read all of the page. Or access https://akitahaiku.com/2019/04/20/%E7%A8%B2%E7%BE%8E%E9%87%8C%E4%BD%B3%E3%81%AE%E7%9F%AD%E6%AD%8C%EF%BC%9Atanka-by-rika-inami-21/ I published 5tankas on Swans here.  6 奥羽の 山脈 ( やまなみ ) 遠白く白鳥ら精こめ 翔 ( かけ ) る帰還の旅路 a spacious Ōu  mountain range -- swans soaring yonder the journey to return home with their all spirit 7 白鳥ら雪解の泥田に影うつし帰還の旅路に備へ食みをり swans mirror themselves in the surface of paddy fields after snow-melt eating and preparing for their re...

Tanka...Remaining Snow 名残り雪a2019m

山のなだりの名残り雪 陽光の霞となりて消ゆるはいつぞ when is lingering snow on the incline of a mountain melted by sunshine and becoming haze? ©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳 ----------------------- 《柳絮》 文/田宇 风脩凭大泽,出命岂相邻? 此物犹怜惜,当春更爱亲。 苍枝纷薄雨,白裹皓轻尘。 半落乾坤外,盈盈乃自身。 【〈Willow catkins〉 Author/Tian Yu Blown up by the wind because of great fortune. Neither of them has been near since birth. People are very fond of willow catkins. It feels closer in spring. Willow catkins drift like rain, among the branches of willow trees. People's heads are white, because they stick to their heads. Most of them fall around the world. Their purity is due to their own noble spirit.】 ------------------------- a winter wonderland beckons cherries of spring! ©Ashoka Weerakkody --------------------------- 岡本信一様より ハルシュタットの山に残雪! さざめいて波 立ちにけり ひそやかに 春が暮れゆく ハルシュタット湖 ©岡本 信一 美(うるは)しき君の歌読み遥かなるハルシュタット湖に憧れ馳せむ ©︎ 2019稲美 里佳