
Tanka.. The End Of February 二月尽2019

雪を分け顔を見せたる雑草の緑まぶしき二月尽 pushing snow the green of weeds coming out of snow is effulgent ...the end of February ©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳 -------------------- every day is a new day sometimes beautiful slow rain so calming other times raging wind torrents of rain great every new day with a smile and live with wonderment ©jim my ------------------------------- in a distance snow covered mountains ... my landlord is cold ©Samuel Lott

Tanka....Twilight 逢魔が刻

サイレンの地を轟かす道翳る逢魔が刻の空を見上ぐる sirens’roar reverbetating through the road... I look up at the sky in the twilight casting dark shadow ©️2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

Tanka ...Deconvolution 解く

思い入れ大きに惑ふ仮屋にて良し悪しこごり解く術知らず at temporary residence as my obsessions make me lose mind good and bad things are densely entangled I can't know how to deconvolute ©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

Tanka...It's natural 然もしかり

このままにわかるるならば然もしかり我らが磁力かほどと思ひ if we break up as it is it's natural... because our magnetic force must be only at this degree ©2019Rika Inami稲美 里佳 ----------------- magnetic force polarized by nature repel - attract ©Hannes Froelich

Tanka ...Frozen Lake 凍ゆる湖

その狂気 凍ゆる湖(うみ)に沈めたし オフィーリアは浮かび来るもなし madness ... I want to sink it  under the frozen  lake Ophelia doesn't  rise to the surface ※日本語の短歌は2018年5月号の短歌誌「 未来」に掲載された作品です。  As for the Japanese original tanka, it was published at Mirai Tanka Association's monthly magazine Vol. May, 2018. ©Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

Akita International Haiku/ Tanka 秋田インターナショナル俳句短歌 Feb.2019

冬陽の光まばゆき雪原のおぼろなる間に我はやすらふ I feel at peace in misty space  between  snowfield and dazzling winter sunshine ©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳 秋田インターナショナル俳句、川柳、短歌ネットワークがアップデートされ、私の作品が掲載されました。 皆様、 アクセス宜しくお願い申し上げます。ページにアクセスして頂いたあと、タイトルの「稲美里佳の短歌:Tanka by Rika Inami 19」をクリックして頂くとページが開かれます。お手数かけますが宜しくお願い申し上げます。 https://akitahaiku.com/ こちらはその中の1首です。 My 10 Tankas are published at Akita International Haiku, Senryu and Tanka Network https://akitahaiku.com/ . Please check out the website and click the title <稲美里佳の短歌:Tanka by Rika Inami19>, and then you will read all of the page. Or click https://akitahaiku.com/2019/02/16/%E7%A8%B2%E7%BE%8E%E9%87%8C%E4%BD%B3%E3%81%AE%E7%9F%AD%E6%AD%8C%EF%BC%9Atanka-by-rika-inami-19/ All rights reserved ©Rika Inami 稲美 里佳 --------------------------- an inbetween place is a calm place to rest find peace to find the next step to the goal you strive for ©jim my ------------------------------------ 眩きはおぼろに光る雪の原

Tanka.. Yokote Castle in Kamakura かまくらの夜の横手城

み雪分けほの照らさるる横手城 水神祀る かまくらの夜に with deep snow ... Yokote Castle is illuminated faintly at evening of Kamakura Festival worshiping Deity of Water ©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳 ※ 秋田県横手市のかまくら祭りについて https://nanmoda.jp/2017/03/801/ About Kamakura Festival in Yokote City, Akita, Japan. https://nanmoda.jp/2019/02/5670/ -------------------- the beauty of water reflected the beauty of light joined together to show the beauty of nature ©jim my