87--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 7


銀縷なる ひとつゆかりか朱の忘れ草 蜘蛛の糸一本ひける

 a silver chord?
a relationship between you
and me...
a spider-silk seducing
an orange day-lily

(C)2020Rika Inami 稲美 里佳


名前はカルロ。彼はにこやかに微笑み、温かそうな人懐こい印象を私に与えた。たまに私の投稿ページに訪れた。最初の頃は、その日の投稿したばかりの短歌や写真にナイスをくれ、簡単にbeautiful, wonderfulとコメントをして、さり気なく去った。何回かそんなナイスを重ねるうちに、友だちになった。

The Story in English from Previous 86

A man wearing his dark blue outing-shirt, a deep grey tie, and a grey vest of a similar colour properly, with his arms crossed remains in my mind.
His name was Carlo.  He smiled and gave me a warm and friendly impression. He visited my post page once in a while.  In the beginning, he gave Nices and briefly commented “wonderful” or “beautiful” to my tanka and photos which I had just posted that day, and then left.  After such days, I made a friend with him.  
      One day, as if he had dug deep into my post page, he went back in time read my posted articles and gave Nices to them more than a year ago.  I thought, even for such old posts.   Although I was obsessed with Sofia, Carlo’s presence, who sometimes visited my post page, was big to me.   To be continued.

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lemon tea—
shade of her lipstick
on my lip

(C)Ram Krishna Singh


  Translation by (C)Rika Inami

(c) tltw 2020 Toni LeighTurner-Wong



Tanka...Reiwa 令和の御代

1-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人 June 28.2019

105--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 25

108--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 28

2-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人 20190629

101--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 21

110--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 30

106--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 26

128-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人--ブログ再開/ Blog Resume

98--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 18