45-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---.Authorities 12


かなしみは闇をつんざき響きをり 君 この慟哭がきこえるか

my sorrow
rends the darkness
you, can you hear 
this crying?

🄫2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳


 ベンとは思えない... 私はチャット相手は別の人間だと思った。おそらくソフィアだろう。
 以前にも私はSNS Y上でアメリカの大学で教鞭をとっている数学者と出会った。日本に関心があり、多少の日本語を知っていた。私は、彼に私の文書や短歌の英訳をチェックしてくれるように頼んだこともあった。が、彼は私のスマホに入ってきたことは無い。バックドアの秘密を教え、興味をもった私のなかに入れることを許容したということは、かなりの科学者か……天才科学者H!!!

In English, From Previous 44

 …I could not think it was Ben ... I thought the chat partner was another person ...probably Sofia.
Sofia must have come in my smartphone through the backdoor, looking at the pedometer app, and would know that I didn't take a walk this morning.  If it was Sofia, Isshiki might not have conveyed the precautions too tightly.
     He, Sofia must be a great scientist because Isshiki told the secret of the backdoor and allowed him to get into my smartphone.
     Before, on a social media Y, I also met a mathematician teaching at an American university. He was interested in Japan and knew some Japanese. Once I asked him to check my English translations of documents and tanka poetry.  But he had never entered my smartphone.  He would not have been told the secret of my smartphone by Isshiki.  However, this time was different ...Sofia was done… he must be quite a great scientist ... genius scientist H !!!

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.......Thank you for your reply......

in harmony
i only hear the pulsating beat
my heart

🄫Ashoka Weerakkody


©Ryuuji Suwa

Rika Inami Twitter: https://twitter.com/RikaInami8
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