52-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia1

 衝撃波 薄闇のなか突き抜ける そろり踏み出づる冬枯れの野へ
a shock wave
running through the grey zone
I take a step into
the desolate wintry field

🄫Rika Inami稲美 里佳


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 ソフィアと私とのチャットは、このようにして始まった。 ソフィアとのチャットは、あの晩秋の日のベンとの会話を終えてから間もなく始まった。チャットで使用されたアプリは、ベンとの会話に使っていた無料電話通信アプリSではなく、SNSYのユーザーがよく使っていたユアトーキングであった。

------- English from Previous 51 -----

       My friend, I am hoping you get to see this in a timely fashion. After I post this,  I will most likely rest for an hour or two. (My sleep schedule is divided amongst the times it is required for me to take medication 'pills'. And with five different times during the day to take them, means I seldom get more than two to three hours of sleep at any one time.)

      Hi, I'm sorry.  Now I'm busy. I am teaching English to my student LOL,

----     -----    -----     -----     -----
        The chat between Sofia and I started in this way.  The chat from Sofia began soon after finishing conversations with Ben on that late fall day.  The app used for the chat was not the freephone communication app S used for talking with Ben, but the Your Talking app that SNS Y users often used.

         It was a bit surprising for me to start chatting with Sophia, and I was upset.  At that time, I was teaching a high school student English privately.  After reading her message quickly, one sentence in English used by Sophia was longer and more challenging than the English used in the chat with Ben.  It was around 8pm.

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----Thank you for your reply.----


🄫Ryuuji Suwa



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