77-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 26


未だ君 ひとつにならずや 桐の花 蒼穹のなか高く咲きたり

cannot become one yet
flowers noble
amid blue yonder

(C)2020Rika Inami稲美 里佳







----Story in English Previous 76---

Yes, I think so.
She already seems to resign herself. 

Everyone's situations are different. I could hardly tell you what is best for me and certainly would not pretend to know what is best for others. If you both are reasonably satisfied, with the way you do things, that should be all that matters. Some people honestly do have someone else's best interest in mind when commenting, though. So it is good not to be really harsh with them. But those that insist they know, and you don't, well they can, "just take a hike," as I like to say.:-)
There is very little more important in life than being happy and contented. When you strive to deal with your life, so that you can do this, without making others miserable, well you have achieved a significant victory in life mastery. And one should, and usually can do this even in less than perfect situations. Resigning things that can not, or no longer be done, that is a big part of this.

Thank you. I agree with you. Resignation is also good.  I think my friend has gotten more that she can do for years. She is not greedy. It is best for her. 

If they are reasonable goals to work forward on, they are good as well. But, they must be realistic. they provide in scientific terms, a "placeable resistance." A doable challenge allows for periodic successes. And with that, have better enjoyment of life. So, if possible, look for these. And even working on them, can be the reward in itself.

Thank you for your reply.

wave runners' her fame
she loved riding the big waves
weather calm or rough
sometimes she rode in the buff
hoping to catch a wave's cusp
Tanka & Art (c) tltw
Toni Leigh Turner-Wong

I looked like a crow
but was sure I was penguin
until peacock feathers flaired

(c) tltw verse & art
Toni Leigh Turner-Wong

peace of mind
lost for ages...
still illusive

(C)Ashoka Weerakkody



80-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 29

78-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 27

79-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 28

45-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---.Authorities 12

70-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 19

Akita International Haiku/ Tanka 秋田インターナショナル俳句短歌 April 2019

Tanka...Reiwa 令和の御代

★EU-Japan NewSpace2060 International Illustrated Haiku Competition 2019受賞作品

52-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia1