34-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---.Authorities1

34 短歌/Tanka


filled with flowers …
Sun-dial at Ihatov covered
with autumn clouds
doesn’t mark 
the passage of time

©2019Rika Inami 稲美里佳

Ihatov is Japanese poet, Kenji Miyazawa’s Utopia.
I took this photo at Ihatov Garden in Hanamaki City, Iwate, Japan.

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     I was on the way to shopping at a supermarket near my house.: About 800 m walk from the store.   I walk when I have a little of shopping and would like to buy light items.   It can be an exercise and it is good to look at the scenery while walking.   When beautiful flowers can be seen from the roadside or through the wall of houses passing by the street, I also take pictures of them.   I wonder if it is bad to do so without permission, so I ask some houses to allow me to take photographs.  I am convinced that my neighborhood relationships start with this.

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The river in Spring,It's in my Memory By tian yu The waves of blue, Like the pine billows of the clouds. The joy and slight sorrow, Aren't too little. The writing is too fast, The heartbeat is too loud. The changing scenery on both sides, It's so airy and low. The beauty of the heaven , Flowers‘ land of the south. Gently her smiling face, Has surrounded me with abow. The boats on the river, Like agirl's smile, The warm in March, It comes back to my memory now.

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