54-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 3


円かなるものにつつまれ夜半めざむ (えにし)たどりて出会ひし故か

at midnight
enwrapped in something sweet
I wake up…
is it because I met you
by following each destiny?

🄫Rika Inami稲美 里佳


54...前回 53より





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さあ、彼とのチャットが始まった。私が一番知りたかったことは、彼の健康状態についてであった。 ソフィアの健康状態が優れないということは分かっていた。何の病気だかしら? 訊いてみたが、話してはくれなかった。WEB上の仮の名前での付き合い、本当かどうか分からないが、症状だけは話してくれた。

----- In English from Previous 53-----

        Sophia and I resumed chatting an hour after Sofia spoke, as promised

Sophia:  Hello. Back again. Well, I was checking it out. And thought from the specifications, that it would actually make a reasonable system for communication. I was greatly surprised when I could not get it to work, though. But no problem. This works fine for me too. SO is no problem at all.  I am just happy we can have *something* to work.   Not so concerned as to what it is specifically.:-)

Kyoko:  Have you used Your Talking?

Sophia:  I have on a few occasions.  Sometimes it works better than others. But as long as it does work, this is fine.

       Now the chat between him and me started.  What I wanted to know the most was his health. I understood that Sofia was not in good health. What disease?  I asked, but I could not get his answer to my question.  “Sophia” was his virtual name on the web, and I didn't know if what he told me was true or not, but he told me only his medical condition

Thank you for your reply.



80-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 29

78-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 27

79-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 28

45-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---.Authorities 12

70-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 19

Akita International Haiku/ Tanka 秋田インターナショナル俳句短歌 April 2019

Tanka...Reiwa 令和の御代

★EU-Japan NewSpace2060 International Illustrated Haiku Competition 2019受賞作品

52-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia1

77-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 26