53-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 2
寒に入るも雪はだらにし雪原の流砂の童 この冬見えず
even the coldest season
snow lying
in thin patches...
Wind-Kid of the snow desert
is not seen this winter
Tanka's theme is <a warm winter>.
This winter, we have far less snow than usual.
🄫2020Rika Inami稲美 里佳
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これはプライベート通信です。 または、SNS Yでのプライベートメッセージと同じぐらいです。になりますが、ほとんど何でもチャットできます。 あなたは質問で私を困らせることをかもしれないと遠慮しなくてもいいです。ここでは、他の人を困らせたり傷つけたりする可能性のある情報を他人が取得することに、あまり注意する必要はないと思います。 私たちは、あなたがプライベートで話をするのが楽だと思うものなら何でもチャットできます。 もちろん、する必要もありません。 私たちがプライベートで話したいと思うなら、それはここでできるということです。(笑い)
今日子: ちょっと待ってください。今、生徒に英語を教えています。1時間後なら大丈夫です。
ソフィア: じゃ、このアプリがうまく機能するかどうか、私に教えてください。そうなら、うまくチャットを始めることができます。
今日子: ユアトーキングで私とお付き合いくださることを、とても嬉しく思っております。お互いが都合の良いときに、タイミングが適ったら、お話ししましょう。
ソフィア: とっても良いことです! ちょっと後でお会いしましょう。ありがとう!
-----English from Previous-----
Sofia may have been
somewhat excited to start chatting with me as Sofia rather than borrowing Ben's
name as before. On the one hand, he sent me the chat messages.
In fact, I had been trying to use the L app as a communication
tool with him, which has so many users in Japan. About the L app, Sophia long explained that he
tried to download, but it wasn't available. The description had 163 words and
686 words in English. And it became Your Talking.
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Sophia: We shall see if you are able to get this and see if Your Talking is a reasonable system
to use for chatting. So please, when you
get this, please reply soon so I will
know it works. Also, any comments about
how well it works, would be good, as well. Just let me know?
As this is a private communication. Or as private as you can get with the SNS Y, I
am OK with chatting about most anything. You need not fear embarrassing me with
questions. Here I think we will not need
to be super careful of others getting information that could embarrass or hurt
others. We can chat about whatever you feel comfortable talking about in
private. Of course, we don't have to. It
is just available if we wish LOL
Kyoko: Please wait for me. Now, I’m teaching English to my student. I'm
OK, one hour later.
Sophia: So just let me know if this is workable for
you. If it is, then we can go ahead and start chatting. ☺
And that would for me, be a beautiful thing. :-)
OK< an hour or so is fine. ☺
Kyoko: I'm happy
that you access me on Your Talking. We can communicate timely when it is
convenient for you and me.
Sophia: Very good! I shall see you a bit later then.
Thank you for your reply.
feel this burning bush
may it remind you of this
disasters do strike
a discourse of strife stories
to be told while rebuilding
(c) tltw 2020
(c) tltw 2020
Rika Inami Twitter: https://twitter.com/RikaInami8
Rika Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35
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