16--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人 ...20190807


on a summer morning
white flowers of rice plants
veil the fields…
the God of the sun with flare
rising and shining
It is said that the flowers of rice plants bloom in the hottest days of summer.
©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳


(Previous)   I came across social media Y on the web. She proclaimed that she lived in the United States.  She was a friend of my friend, who was an American female amateur photographer.    Sofia’s profile picture was a picture of cherry blossoms that could not be identified as either male or female. The picture of the cherry blossoms was impressive, so I followed her and became a friend of hers earlier than her.   Her profile said that gender was unknown. I thought that she was a woman because her name was women’s one.

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