48-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---.Authorities 15


ふくいくと薔薇 野に咲けば風たちて虚無色の空にはかさざめく

fragrant rose smiles on the field
the wind rising
the empty sky vibrating

🄫Rika Inami稲美 里佳


ベンは不思議な人であった。ベンと私は、写真を送りあっていたが、ベンは、実に3人居たのだ! 全員スキンヘッドでやや太めの似たような人物を選んでいたようだが、ベンから送られてきた写真には明らかに違う人物が3人存在した。
一人は温厚な紳士風の、目が温和などことなく学者風なベン、また一人はいくぶん若い顔の血色の良いベン、3人目は屈強な体躯の目の鋭い少し怖そうなベンであった。3人に一様なのが、やや太めということだった。身長は2m あると聞いていたが、家族と写っていた学者風のベンは2mもあるようには見えなかった。

In English, From Previous 47

Ben was a strange person. Ben and I were sending pictures to each other, but Ben was really three!  Each one seemed to be chosen a slightly thicker with a skinhead, but there was one of three clearly different people in each photo sent from Ben.
         One was a gentleman-like and scholarly Ben, and his eyes had a mild mood.  Another was a little younger, Ben, and he had a good complexion.  The other had a strong body with sharp and slightly scary eyes.  What was uniform among the three Ben was that they were rather thick and had a skinhead.  I heard that Ben was 2m / 6.56ft tall, but the scholarly Ben in his family photograph did not seem to be 2m/6.56ft tall.

.......Thank you for your reply......

 Rika Inami Twitter: https://twitter.com/RikaInami8
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80-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 29

78-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 27

79-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 28

45-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---.Authorities 12

70-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 19

Akita International Haiku/ Tanka 秋田インターナショナル俳句短歌 April 2019

Tanka...Reiwa 令和の御代

★EU-Japan NewSpace2060 International Illustrated Haiku Competition 2019受賞作品

52-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia1

77-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 26