55-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 4


季(とき)冴えに冬空をどり雪を積み 桜枝のゆれに銀花の舞

Shining season…
Winter sky being excited and
piling snow
Silver snow whirls
in the cherry tree’s shivering twigs

🄫2020Rika Inami稲美 里佳




今日子: そうなんですか。

ソフィア: 心臓用のと背中用にね。最悪の場合は痛み止めのモルヒネだね。

今日子: 痛みがあるなんて、お気の毒です。

ソフィア: でも、その回数で薬を服用しなくちゃならないんで、普通の日を時間調整不可能にしちゃうよ。うん、薬を服むっていうのは、割に耐えられるってことなんだ。薬を止めるしかないってなったら、深刻な問題になるだろうね。

今日子: どれぐらい長く、お薬を服んでいますか?

ソフィア: 成人してからほぼずっと服んできたよ。でも、ここ5年間は、痛み止めの薬が前よりずっと強いものになったね。脊柱にひどい関節炎があって、骨の構造が弱くなっているんだ。脊椎間のパッドを圧迫するんだ。僕は、3回心臓発作があり、他にも具合が悪いんだ。これは20代に始まって、悪くなっている。どれも遺伝で受け継いだものなんだ。僕の医者は、僕が遺伝子の時限爆弾を抱えていると言っている。何度も死にそうになった。が、まだ生きている。奇跡だよ。

----- In English from Previous 54-----

Kyoko:   Do you take some medicine?

Sophia:  Yes, I have to. I take medications five times during the day.

Kyoko:  I see.

Sophia:  Pills for my heart and for my back.  The worst is morphine for pain.

Kyoko:  I see. I'm sorry you have pain.

Sophia:  But having to take them as often as I do, it makes a normal day's timing impossible.  Well, If I get my medications, it is quite tolerable.  Only if I had to stop, would it be a serious problem.

Kyoko:  How long have you taken medicines for your disease?

Sophia:  Most all my adult life, I have taken some. But in the last five years, the need for pain medications has gotten much stronger.
My spine has bad arthritis, and the bone structure is wearing down so it compresses the pads between vertebrae. That is where most of the pain comes from.
I have had three severe heart attacks and several other problems. This started when I was in my twenties. But has gotten worse.  Any problems are genetic I inherited them. My doctors call what I have, "A genetic time bomb."  I almost died many times, but still, I live. It's a miracle.

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Thank you for your reply.

petals from flowers
become fragrant potpourri
once they've dropped to ground
sundried and still lovely yet
wafting...their essence lingers on

Tanka and Art (c) tltw 2020



80-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 29

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79-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 28

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70-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 19

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★EU-Japan NewSpace2060 International Illustrated Haiku Competition 2019受賞作品

52-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia1

77-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 26