57-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 6



frozen winds
closed the splendid...
have fallen into
a silent sleep

🄫Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

---- 前回56より-----

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今日子:  インターネットは世界中でたくさんの友だちができるので好きです。

ソフィア: 実にそうだね。僕のほぼ全部の友だちはそうだ。近所や仕事上
の友だちもいるけど、国を移動してまわっても、僕がいる場で打ち解けて付き合う機会は殆どなかったよ。まあ殆ど、僕がどこかへ行くっていうのは難しいからね。 だから、世界中にオンラインの友達がいて、それがほとんど埋め合わせしてくれている。

今日子: インターネットのおかげで、私は田舎住まいって気がしません。カルフォルニアに住んでらっしゃるんですよね。私はアメリカもアメリカの人も好きです。

ソフィア: ああ、僕がいるところは素敵なところだよ。全然寒くない。僕は風邪を引いたら苦労しちゃうからね。それに、かわいいトカゲちゃんたちが野生で自然にいられる所に僕は住んでいるよ。以前、いつもそうなったらいいなって思っていたことなんだ。僕は以前、ニューヨーク州の北の方に住んでいたけど、トカゲにとっては寒すぎたんだ。

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----Story in English from Previous 56---
       This first chat conversation lasted until midnight.
       I confirmed that he was American and lived in California, as stated in his profile.  He mentioned the lizard Dragon and had several as his pets, and he said that he also lived in warm California for 
his lizards.
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Kyoko:  I like Internet because it has given me a lot of friends. Around the world

Sophia:  Very true. Nearly all of my friends also. I have neighbors and some friends from work, but when I moved across the country, I have had little opportunity to socialize in the place I am. Mostly because it is difficult for me to go anywhere.  So, I have friends all over the world online, and that makes up for most of it.

Kyoko:   Thanks to the Internet, I don't feel I am in the countryside in Japan.  I think you live in California. I like the U.S. and American people.

Sophia:   It is lovely where I live. I have a place that is never really cold.  I sometimes have difficulty with cold.  And I live where there are my dear lizards around naturally in the wild.  I had always wanted that.  But where I lived before in the north of New York, it got too cold for lizards. :-)

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 I also asked if he was a scientist, but he denied it. He said that his parents were scientists, and that he liked science, but that he was a photographer, not a scientist.
I did not knowingly deny what he told me.   Anyway, I decided to think that the account named Sofia was such a person.  I wanted to value this encounter.

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I seek you always you are my one and only I dance to your ways and sing through many a tear my life's partner the rose Tanka & Digital Art Photo (c) tltw 2020



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