59-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 8


龍神のあやしの気象たださむか 立春すぎて寒波到来

do Dragon Gods
make abnormal weather
after the first day of spring
arrival of a cold wave

     Dragons are said to be the Gods for the weather in Asea.

(C)2020Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

---- 前回58より-----





ソフィア:御札は高いですか? 買うっていうのは、知っていたけど、高いか安いは全く知らないんで、単にちょっと値段に興味があって。
















ソフィア:僕は多くの人から、人生について非常に「東洋的な」見方をしていると言われてきたんだ()。病気と僕はお互いをよく知り合っている。 決して、たくさんの人たちよりひどいっていう訳じゃなく。が、同様に僕もたくさん持っている。


ソフィア:もちろん、僕も寝なくちゃいけない。 副作用として眠くなる薬を服んだからね。 が、おしゃべりを楽しんだよ、まだ直ぐできたらいいね !(^^)!
おやすみ! いい夢を見てね(*^-^*)

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 ----Story in English from Previous 58---

Sophia: Are you doing the new years’ cleaning this year?

Kyoko: I can't do anything, but I have to clean my house. The most important thing about cleaning for me is to clean the family Shinto shrine. And I have to get amulets from a Shinto priest, whom I came across at the post office today. I have to buy them.

Sophia: That is a definite show of respect :-).

Kyoko: Thank you!

Sophia:  Are those sorts of things expensive? I know about buying some things from the shrine but never able to get an idea if it is costly or inexpensive? Just curious in general.

Kyoko:  They depend on the shrines, furthermore depending on kinds.

Sophia: OK, I can understand that.

Kyoko: The kind of regular annual amulets are not expensive. Maybe, 1,000 yen? Or 2,000yen?

Sophia: In the manga, children buy them, so I thought, if they could afford them, they must not cost too much.

Kyoko:  I think they bought charms.  They are available from 500yen.  That charm is what we put on. What I was talking about is the talisman I put inside the family shrine. If we need special praying of a priest in the shrine or our house, we will pay them over 10,000yen.

Sophia: Yes, I can see that there would be a range of costs, depending on the purpose.

Kyoko:  Yes.  Probably, I think I follow the custom seriously, but to tell the truth, I can't say I believe in Gods and spirits of Buddhists. I'd like to preserve our customs and traditions of Shinto and Japanese Buddhism inherited by my family, an ordinary family, and I only feel something higher than human beings.  I like pantheism, mysticism, and Laotzu. I don't adhere to religion.

Sophia:  I think I understand what you are saying. I also believe in something much bigger than 'self.'  But I find most "organized" religion has problems for me.  It can become the reason to divide and to hate.  It should be about love, understanding, and forgiveness. I have no room for hate in me. But I must be careful not to have it come back.

Kyoko: You and I feel something, God or Gods, directly not through any religion, LOL.

Sophia: Yes.  I find focus and guidance form rituals and readings. But I prefer to go "direct." if I can.

Kyoko:  Me, too. Have you studied philosophy and religion?

Sophia:  Not formally, but I read holy books from many religions, and I read and study.

Kyoko:  I did it, but I forgot most of them.:-)  Now, I understand four sufferings in Buddhism throughout my life.

Sophia:  If one is a student of life, you can learn most all you need, from life as you live it.  You just need to look and listen and try not to judge.

Kyoko:  Life, Aging, Disease, and Death.

Sophia:  Yes.

Kyoko:  At this present, my most crucial thing is Disease. Not mine…

Sophia:  I have been told by many I have a very "Eastern" outlook on life,  LOL
Diseases and I know each other quite well. By no means am I worse off than many. But I have had much as well.

Kyoko:  This topic is significant. I have to do something now.  I'd like to chat with you some other time.

Sophia: Of course, I need to get to bed. I took medications that make me sleepy as a side effect. But I enjoy chatting.  I hope we can do so again soon :-).
Good night!  Sweet dream :-).

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The following day, however, Sofia became sick, and we suspended chats for several days.  After that, we did not talk about religious topics, other than a digression. 

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Poem by (C)Chaojun Lu

Photo by(C)Rika Inami

I Wanna Embrace the Moon When I'm Sad

By Tianyu

I wanna embrace the moon when I'm sad,
I wanna embrace the stars when I'm happy,
Maybe I no longer confused about the world.

I wanna embrace the moon when I'm sad,
I wanna embrace the stars when I'm happy,
I‘m no longer afraid of the wind and frost.

Happy sunny day to me,
I'm walking forward with asmile.
Even in showers,
And they won't scare me anymore.

Though I have no partners,
Though I‘m ordinary enough,
And the dreams let me not be afraid of difficulties.

Though all I have is faith,
Though I can't predict,
But the dreams let me look forward to future.

Happy sunny day to me,
I always accept the truth with a smile,
Although time passed alot,
I also suffered alot.

(C) Tianyu

Tanka by Rika Inami 27   Tanka by Rika Inami 26
Tanka by Rika Inami 25     Tanka by Rika Inami 24
Tanka by Rika Inami 23     Tanka by Rika Inami 22



78-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 27

80-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 29

79-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 28

45-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---.Authorities 12

70-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 19

Akita International Haiku/ Tanka 秋田インターナショナル俳句短歌 April 2019

Tanka...Reiwa 令和の御代

★EU-Japan NewSpace2060 International Illustrated Haiku Competition 2019受賞作品

52-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia1

77-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 26