69-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 18



not knowing yourself
is it easy to say something?
reflecting on yourself
you should seek for happiness
matched own stature

(C)Rika Inami稲美 里佳




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----Story in English from Previous 68---

There was a bridge called “Bridge of Happiness.”  Am I worried about Sophia without knowing myself?   While crossing the bridge, such thought came to my heart.
     Sophia also commented on my tanka.

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We cross a bridge every time in our lives, we move forward or backward with a significant change in our lives. While the fact is we move, the matter is, we may move our minds in synchronous, or may not. The discord, when it is not, is always producing some level of discord. And often of such significance, as to destroy the very bridge we wish to cross.

       Thank you for the meaningful and detailed comment.

      I think that discord is the source of creation and imagination if I don't misread your

      writing.  The only consonant chord can't produce anything because it is the flat, peaceful 

      We are different from each other. The difference itself sometimes produces discord.

      It produces the difference of meaning even in one word.

     But we live in the same world.
      To solve the problem of the conflict between Consonant chords - Dissonant chords, we
     have to integrate them through dialectic. Then we will be able to leap forward to a  
      something new point.
     I'm sorry, my poor English writing.

      I most wholeheartedly agree with you. Life without conflict soon becomes its own hell. If       everything is "perfect," there is no room for improvement, nor any reason to try.

     So A little tension is required to grow. The unknown leads us to grow, The imperfect leads

     us to grow. A lack of understanding is ever so much so as well. Please, lease please, 

     continue incompletely as I will (as if I had a choice!) so that we both may grow in

     understanding. Not only the science of it but the beauty, with all of its thorns...


      I agree with you.  To begin with, we seem to be created imperfect. If we all are perfect, I

      think we will get bored soon. We have nothing to do though we have time. I think that we

      are imperfect is the truth.

      I feel honored that you told me so, 'We both may grow in understanding. Not only the

      science of it, but the beauty, with all of its thorns...'

       I'm so useless that I can't do so much for you. But if you need me, I will be with you.

      It would be impossible for me to say what the value of your friendship has meant for me.
      I have had some very 'dark times' here recently in my life. And you have been there for
      me. Your presence, your words, your concern, all have been of great help for me. Much
      more than I could express in words.

     So I say, it is a blessing to me. And if I may do anything in return, I still feel I am left

     owing in the transaction. And am left to say, simply thank you. :-)


        Just for me, I feel so happy to see you as my friend.

        Thank you, too.

       My life has changed a lot, but it has been impossible for me to change my deepest inner

       for a long time even though I have had a heavy burden in the real life.

       My words are from what I am.

       As you know, I'm so direct that when I need your help, I 'll ask you because you are my
       From now, we should never waste time. That is why I'm direct.
       I'm grateful to you for supporting me.

        Agreed. Formalities can be most pleasant. But after a certain point, they are not
        necessary, to make social responses as smooth as they could be otherwise.

        It is when you reach such a level, that it is not a significant concern anymore,  

        this is when relating most closely from the heart, without any societies buffers being 

       required, that most honest true and meaningful communication can commence. :-)


        Thank you for your warm words.

        I keep writing as long as I can.

        When the time has come, what should be done will be done.

        I go for where I'm needed as I'm led.

        Please take care of yourself.

                  Wish you a happy evening and coming day.



80-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 29

78-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 27

79-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 28

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70-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 19

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★EU-Japan NewSpace2060 International Illustrated Haiku Competition 2019受賞作品

52-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia1

77-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 26