71-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 20

my love and grief to
weeping cherry
...I think of my bygone days

©Rika Inami稲美 里佳



今日子:まあ、素敵! よく撮れているわ。可愛いわねえ。お孫さんたちは、まるで天使のようだわ。


ソフィア:これは、ポートレートレンズのa 56 mm f 1.2 lensで撮ったんだよ。僕のカメラでは、フィルムカメラを使用した場合、85 mmレンズとほぼ同じなんだ。とてもシャープだ。一部のショットにはシャープ過ぎるくらいだ。しかし、それは美しい背景をぼかすんだ。
今日子: そうなんですか。
ソフィア: ポケットカメラは、実際には使わず、2台使用したんだ。レンズは3つ使ったよ。合計8個のレンズを持っていったんだが、車のカメラバックのなかに置いておいたよ。ミラーレンズショット以外に、2台と2つのレンズをすべてに使ったよ。僕はその上でフィルフラッシュをしたんだ。結局、それで何枚か「バックアップ」ショットを撮ることになったのさ、使いたければ、ライトまたはフラッシュフィルショットを選択できるんだ。

今日子: 素晴らしいカメラキャリアですね。
ソフィア: そう、僕は、ざっと見て、カメラで写真を撮ったり、写真の指導をしてかれこれ50年くらい生計を立てているからね。


----Story in English Previous 70---

Sophia: This is the first shot I got done. It is my brother, sister-in-law, and their twin grandchildren. They had a great time, I think. :-)
That was not shot with the mirror lens.

Kyoko:  Very nice!  Cute!  They look like angels.

Sophia: Thank you.

Kyoko: Which type of lens did you use when you took them?

I did not know about lenses, but I adopted myself to him, and I asked about the lense that he used.

Sophia:  This was taken with a portrait lens. a 56 mm f 1.2 lens, which on my camera is about equivalent to an 85 mm lens if used with a film camera.  It is very sharp.  Almost too sharp for some shots. But, it does a beautiful background blur. The focal length does not make noses look to big or too small.

Kyoko: Yes, very sharp and vivid.  I think the background is also good because they are featured. How many cameras did you carry with you?

Sophia: I had three, two 'mirrorless' reflex cameras and one 'pocket' camera I never did actually use, I used two.

Kyoko: I see.

Sophia: I used three lenses but too about 8 total. I left the camera bag in the car. So other than the mirror lens shots, I used two bodies and two lenses for everything. I had a fill flash on one. I did end up taking some "backup" shots with it, so I can choose if I like available light or flash fill shots.

Kyoko: Your camera career is wonderful!

Sophia:  Well, I have been taking photos, and making a living from cameras, photos, and instructing photo in general, most of the last fifty years or so.  😉

     I had little knowledge of the camera, so I decided that further conversation was impossible.

Kyoko:  I'm sorry I don't know about cameras, but I can see how much you enjoy them and taking pictures.

Sophia: Is all fine. Not to worry. I get "carried away" sometimes talking about it. LOL

Rika Inami Twitter: https://twitter.com/RikaInami8



80-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 29

78-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 27

79-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 28

45-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---.Authorities 12

70-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 19

Akita International Haiku/ Tanka 秋田インターナショナル俳句短歌 April 2019

Tanka...Reiwa 令和の御代

★EU-Japan NewSpace2060 International Illustrated Haiku Competition 2019受賞作品

52-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia1

77-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---Sophia 26