123-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---New Life 10/ 新しき生 10



cherry-petals crystal clear
in the air
gently the twigs support
their dance

( C)2021Rika Inami稲美 里佳

前回122り           はじまり


 マイ・トムはAIではないと、私は思っていた。いつも“Be well. Be fine. Smiles. 元気に、笑顔!と私の投稿にコメントしてきた。それは、いつも眉間に皺を寄せて笑顔のない私への励ましであった。そして、私が短歌を投稿すると返歌をくれた。


( C ) My Tom



In English From Previous 122   Start 

Sometimes he would release several AIs and let them play on social media Y. He even visited my Japanese friends. He annoyed them with his comments in Spanish, Italian and Russian.

     I thought that My Tom was not an AI.  Be well. Be fine. Smiles. He always commented on my posts. It was an encouragement to me, who always had wrinkles between my brows and never smiled. And he gave me his reply poem.

beautiful Sakura
for all to see
be careful
not to frown
not to stay in your world
( C ) My Tom

He loved rock music and games. Tom, Oh, I bet his name came from Sophia’s best friend Tom, whom he mentioned.

To be continued.

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(C)Ban Mihaly







Tanka...Reiwa 令和の御代

Tanka...Congrats on passing the exam! 合格おめでとう!

128-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人--ブログ再開/ Blog Resume

5-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人 ...20190706