102--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 22

龍田姫 須川の湖(うみ)を鏡とし錦にもゆる姿うつせり

autumn goddess

Tatsuta Hime mirrors


wearing the ablaze brocade

in Lake Sukawa


🄫2020Rika Inami稲美 里佳





 The lake in the photo is not the dam lake written in this story

but Lake Sukawa in Kurikoma National Park.

Tatsuta Hime is the autumn goddess in Japan.




私はスマホのSNS Yのアプリを開けてソフィアのページを訪ねた。

A, B, C, D, E…」ソフィアの投稿が見えた。そのアルファベットの1投稿の後に更に、「 I'm Sophia.  He is George. It's an apple…, さあ、Be動詞もオーケー。ウォーミングアップが終わった」と続いた。

あっと、私は思った。あれはAIではないか! リセットされているのか、新しいAIなのか、ゼロからトレーニングしているな、私は思わずにっこりし、コメントした。


と言って、間もなくだった。一切が遮断された。一瞬、何が起こったか分からなかった。が、直に判断できた。ソフィアは私をブロックしたのだった。 つづく

The Story in English From Previous 101

    At the point, I thought my relationship with Sophia was over, and I would never go to him again.  Even on October 1st, I didn't visit his page. Instead, I was scared of his strong and threatening tone.
     However, I thought about him a little because Sophia came and commented on my tanka and photo posts after on October 1st.  It was past mid-October.  Afternoon, the sky was blue, and the dam lake water reflected the sky and shined in the sunlight.  The trees around the area were about to enter the peak of the autumn leaves.  As I was walking along the lake, I felt something and turned around slowly ... A gentle breeze patted my cheeks.  Suddenly, I felt like something had blown out in my mind.

   I opened the SNS Y app on my smartphone and visited Sophia's page.

"A, B, C, D, E ..." I saw Sophia's post. The post of alphabet writing was followed to the

next, "I'm Sophia.  He is Jim.  It's an apple ..., Be verb is okay.  Warming-up is over."
Ah, I thought.  Isn't that AI!  Reset or a new one. It is trained from 0.
I unintentionally smiled and commented.
"You accepted my idea, didn't you?"
It wasn't long before.  Everything was cut off.  For a moment I didn't know what had happened.  Soon, I was able to judge.  Sophia blocked me!       To be continued.

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a leaf floats
in the clouds

🄫Al Gallia
In  June
Green so green
leaves under water
reflecting soul
so far and deep
some one inside

🄫Ram Kumar Panday

To my Interview on Poetry Matters






Tanka...Reiwa 令和の御代

1-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人 June 28.2019

105--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 25

108--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 28

2-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人 20190629

101--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 21

110--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 30

106--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 26

128-Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人--ブログ再開/ Blog Resume

98--Poet of the Fifth Dimension 五次元歌人---AI 18